N Harmony Jewelry

N Harmony JewelryWhile growing up, many years were spent in a family jewelry business, and that laid the foundation for the beginning of N Harmony Jewelry. My journey into the artisan crafts arena started over five years ago during a trip to the four corners area of the US, where I became fascinated with the Native American jewelry, beads and the creativity of those wonderful people. Subsequently, while traveling with friends, we discovered a bead shop in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, where I picked up additional strands to make myself some necklaces for fun and realized this might be a good hobby for the winter months here in Tennessee. Out of this journey, N Harmony Jewelry was born. At the urging of friends, my hobby has turned into a full time avocation leading me to join the Franklin Farmers Market. During that time, my creativity with jewelry has continued to evolve and expand.

After seeing a guitar string bracelet on one of my customers, she challenged me to incorporate guitar strings into my designs. Thanks to her, I have launched a new line of bracelets and necklaces based on guitar strings. What is unique about my bracelets, and differentiates my design, is the clasp mechanism, which is magnetic. I also incorporate a wide variety of slides that are combined to create one of a kind pieces. Recently, I have added men’s bracelets to the line. I believe this jewelry represents a true link to the music of our area and have enjoyed selling to many songwriters and performers. My greatest joy comes from customers who, after purchasing a piece, return to tell me how much they enjoy it or how many compliments they have received. My over 5 years at the Franklin Farmers Market has been a joy and blessing meeting so many new friends.

If you enjoy handmade artisan jewelry, I welcome you to stop by N Harmony Jewelry and say hello any Saturday morning at the Franklin Farmers Market.