Flying S Farms

Flying S Farms is in the small town of Woodbury, Tennessee in the beautiful hills of Cannon County. In 2003, Ben and Catherine Simmons began farming on their land with just a small garden plot. Now the Simmons’ Flying S Farms has grown into a 6-acre Natural Sustainable Farm, growing a wide variety of heirloom and open-pollinated produce. They foliar feed food grade fertilizers to promote the growth of their crops and use integrated pest management control. In 2009, Ben and Catherine began the Flying S Farms Shares (CSA) program, providing families with fresh local produce grown without the use of commercial fertilizers or pesticides.
The 2014 Farm Shares start the first week in June through October (21 weeks). You’ll find the application and information on the CSA program on the Flying S Farms website. The 2014 CSA Shares are now available and payment options are available by contacting Ben and Catherine.
Flying S Farms also offers soups, breads, sweets and other value-added foods that are prepared in the farm’s inspected kitchens and available year-round in various farmers markets, including the Flying S Farms booth at the Franklin Farmers Market. Or you can contact Flying S Farms for special orders. One of the treats you can find from Flying S Farms at the Franklin Farmers Market is a variety of frozen soups, perfect for taking home and reheating for a delicious meal. Enjoy the Flying S Farms’ soups with the fresh bread that Catherine bakes in a variety of Sourdough and Yeast Bread flavors. And don’t miss out on the sweets. Flying S Farms has a great selection of sweet dessert or snack items, made with quality ingredients and Catherine’s special “made from scratch” method she learned while growing up. Stop by the Flying S Farms booth and ask Ben and Catherine Simmons about their special jams too. The Simmons do their part to support other local farms, by making their jams with fruits grown naturally on Tennessee farms or by using organic 100% fruit juices.
Italian White Bean and Kale Soup
Baked fruit turnovers, biscuits and cornbread
Homemade Soups for warm winter meals
Fresh Baked Homemade Breads
Yummy Strawberry Crumb Bars
Freshly Baked Breads by Catherine
Tasty pound cakes are a customer favorite
Fresh Baked Sweet Squares and Flavored Pound Cakes
Just picked beautiful Lettuces
CSA's are available from Flying S Farms