Johnson’s Honey Farm

When you see Jess and Paula Morton of Johnson's Honey Farm at the Franklin’s Farmers Market in Franklin, Tennessee, and various other markets in the Nashville area, you can rest assured that you are seeing two passionate beekeepers at work promoting the “best tasting honey” in the world.  Paula Morton is the daughter of Ed Johnson of Johnson's Honey Farm located in Goodlettsville, TN.  If you have the time, feel free to stop in, and visit our honey bee farm.  Honey bees have been on the farm since 1918 making Paula Morton a 3rd generation beekeeper.  Johnson’s Honey maintains several hundred hives in the middle Tennessee area and not all are stationed at Johnson's Honey Farm in Goodlettsville.  We sell honey bees, woodenware and bee supplies.  In addition Paula does inspections with additional beekeepers.  During these inspections we are looking for pests, diseases, etc.   Paula and Jess maintains a honey bee pollination service for several of the Tennessee farms and gardeners.   Jess and Paula sells different varieties of honey but the most favorite is the wildflower, sourwood and clover ranging in different sizes.  We also sell bee’s wax, bee pollen and honey sticks.  Johnson’s honey comes out of a certified honey house which is inspected on a yearly basis so you can rest assured that you are receiving nothing but the best in a product.  So feel free to stop in or stop by our farmers market booth if we can help you in any way.  Honey Bees are our passion.