BB’s Gourmet Pretzels

BB's Gourmet Pretzels has been supplying the public with 4 delicious flavors of gourmet pretzels since 2007.  Each flavor is delightful and has a crispy, crunchy, rich buttery taste. Owned by Brenda Sadler Waters, our goal from inception was to sell to every state in the United States. Within a few years in business by selling online, direct sales, farmers markets, and word-of-mouth sales, we did meet our goal and acquired several states as permanent customers. We have also sold to 8 Countries and acquired 3 as permanent customers. Over the years we have learned that once someone tastes our product, they either want to purchase them right away or they don't.  A large percentage of the samplers will walk away and come back to purchase. One of our slogans is "you don't have to buy, just give it a try".  Most of the time, I'm happy to say, they buy.

Our flavors are:
  • Garlic (salty, smooth buttery, but the garlic is not overpowering in taste)
  • Delicate Heat (a little kick but not so much that it takes away from the flavor)
  • Lemon Pepper (a little lemon, a little zest)
  • CC's Smudges (sweet and covered with sugar and cinnamon)
In addition to the above, we also have the CC's Smudges in Gluten-Free as well as Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Cookies and other assorted baked goods.
As of 2018, we limited our market vending to the Franklin Farmers Market at the Factory. This market is open year-round.