You can learn a lot of things at the Franklin Farmers Market like what an heirloom vegetable is or what a does a “pastured” chicken mean. But this past Saturday at the market, you could also learn how to change the world and make it a better place to live. The 6th grade honors science class students from Freedom Intermediate School were at the market to share information on how to make a difference in the environment. The students also had important info to share about radon gas and why we should all worry about the future of bees.
Radon, the Silent Killer Exhibit
Their teacher, Barbara Orr explains:
The benefits of Rain Gardens
The students’ info and presentation were a part of the Siemens Discovery Education “We Can Change the World Challenge”, a national environmental sustainability competition for students. Through project-based lessons, students learn about science and conservation while creating sustainable environmental improvements in their communities. From wind energy to rain gardens and much more, the students of Freedom Intermediate School taught us a lot this past weekend. We think their “We Can Change the World” project definitely earned an A-plus!
How wind turbines operate
The benefits of E-waste
The Farmers Market was the perfect place for the students to share their environmental concerns. Everyone was very supportive of their projects and several guests asks them great questions! We all thank you so much for this opportunity and hope to return next year.
Great job students! Wonderful to see our students taking an interest in some very current issue in our world today. We hope that some of these will be future leaders in helping us solve these issues.
Part of the mission of the Franklin Farmers Market is to educate the public about sustainability and their environment. The honors science students of Freedom Intermediate School did a great job sharing their info on environmental and safety issues. We’re happy that we were able to help them out with their project!
Wonderful to see that students and some awesome teachers are spearheading such projects which help to educate also the community on Environmental subjects and what we can do to make our world a little better. Way to go.