We’re impassioned for pumpkins this Saturday at the Franklin Farmers Market. Our local farmers are harvesting the best of these fall squashes in every shape, color and size of your imagination for your jack-o-lanterns, home decorations, arrangements, and freshly-baked creations. Don’t simply get excited, get impassioned for pumpkins this Saturday at the Franklin Farmers Market.

Cinderella pumpkins are piled-high on the King Farm pumpkin truck bed.
Though the typical jack-o-lantern variety is a tried-and-true classic, our farmers like to flaunt their pumpkin growing talents with unique heirloom varieties great for baking or front porch displays. These spectacular cucurbits come in colors like deep sunset red, ice blue, ghost white, speckled, striped, green and gold, and every size from the smallest miniature variety to the largest of the giants. They can be baked in pies, breads, muffins, or cakes or mixed with other fall squashes and mums available at our market for a autumnal home display. Get impassioned for pumpkins, too, and make your next made-from-scratch pie with a freshly-harvest heirloom pumpkin grown by your local farmers.
Pie pumpkins grown by Colbert Farm make delicious fall pies and sweets.
Finding these impressive heirloom pumpkins is easy at the Franklin Farmers Market, especially if you arrive early this Saturday! At the entrance of our market this week, you’ll find a truck bed piled high of Kinf pumpkins— King’s Farm, pumpkins, that is, and the sight is something to see! King Farm along with Purple Tree Farm, Kirkview Farm, and Evans Produce will be arriving with every pumpkin variety imaginable, from Cinderella to Cushaw to Long Island Cheese to interesting French pie varieties and everything in between. You’ll be impassioned for pumpkins, too, once you get an eyeful of the selection this week at the Franklin Farmers Market.
Purple Tree Farm displays stacks of heirloom pumpkins and squashes.