Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day. That old nursery rhyme could have been used to describe how we all felt about last Saturday morning. It felt like a wet, winter day but all it took was one step under the Franklin Farmers Market shed to know that spring is really here. All you had to do was to take a look around and see the signs of spring popping up all over the place. Of course, there were lots of good veggies, like greens and sweet carrots perfect for a good salad. And we saw several of you buying cuts of tender meat to throw on the grill soon.
But there also blooms of color and garden plant seedlings everywhere, perfect to plant for a little backyard garden. We always know warmer weather is just around the corner when Purple Tree Farm is back at market with veggie plant seedlings and beautiful hanging baskets. Or when we see the bedding plants and bright marigolds from Kirkview Farms and the healthy plant slips from Paradise Produce. Then there were the lavender and rosemary plants from Earth Advocates Research Farm and the blooms of their beautiful Lenten Roses.
With all of the signs of spring at the market, we got a few questions about the market’s Growing Kids Educational Garden this past Saturday too. Veggies, fruits and flowers will soon be growing in the kids’ garden which is just across Franklin Road in the Park at Harlinsdale Farm. This is the 4th year for the garden classes, which are perfect for teaching kids about the environment and where food really comes from. Classes begin on April 22nd and are designed for kids Pre-K to 3rd grade. And it’s all free! Get more info on the classes for April & May on the Kids’ page.
And finally with the warmer days of spring, comes a change in the market hours. Starting this upcoming weekend on April 5th, the Franklin Farmers Market will open one hour earlier. Market hours in April will be 8am to noon each Saturday, giving you longer hours to visit the market. Yes, spring has definitely arrived! Visit Saturday Photos to see what was in market.