There were fresh tomatoes and sweet potatoes, cabbages and green beans all from local farms. It’s stuff that foodies dream about. Summer and fall produce can be found at the Franklin Farmers Market and this past Saturday, the proof was in the shopping bags carrying such food as ripe summer tomatoes and winter squash too.

Organic tomatoes from Delvin Farms
Sweet potatoes from Kirkview Farm
Organic cabbages from Delvin Farms
Fresh picked green beans from Kirkview Farm
Winter Squash from Flying S Farms
Farm Fresh produce from Colvin Family Farm
Easting in Season market cookbook
It’s true that November 1st is the official beginning of the market’s winter season, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of summer veggies. The farmers that live in southern parts of Tennessee have a longer growing season than those that live further north, which is why you can still find such goodies as tomatoes and green beans at the market. But even when that summer produce finally is gone, you can still buy fresh local farm veggies at the FFM, because our farmers know how to grow during the winter too. The only thing that really changes is the time that the market is open. Starting next Saturday, the FFM switches to winter market hours, opening at 8am and closing at noon.
Organic beets from Delvin Family Farm
Beautiful broccoli from Kirview Farm
Farm grown herbs from Bloomsbury Farm
Sweet farm carrots from Rocky Glade Farm
Pumpkin Tree at Franklin Pumpkin Fest
Our farmers are good. Really good. So good, that they can grow a pumpkin tree. Well, sort of. At the big Pumpkinfest event that took place this past Saturday, the staff of the Franklin Farmers Market “grew” a pumpkin tree with help from the King Family Farm. The “tree” was constructed with pumpkins of all sizes and colors from the King Farm and it was an impressive sight to behold, right smack in the middle of Main Street and 4th Avenue.
This was the 31st year for Pumpkinfest, a day of free family fun in downtown Franklin. Our thanks to the Heritage Foundation of Franklin and Williamson County for inviting the Franklin Farmers Market to be a part of the Pumpkinfest.
Pumpkin tree top at Franklin Pumpkinfest
Pumpkins and fresh picked produce from Colbert Farm
With Halloween just around the corner, there was bound to be some little funny characters roaming around the FFM and we caught several of them on camera this past Saturday. For a look at the little monsters and other fun and tasty things at the FFM, take a look at the big market photo gallery!
Fresh farm lettuces from Paradise Produce
Hot Peppers from Colbert Farm