The FFM’s “Growing Kids” gardening students love tomatoes too!
Tomato lovers, rejoice! It truly is tomato season at the Franklin Farmers market. Old favorites, like Bradleys and Big Boys are plentiful now, along with beautiful heirloom tomatoes and colorful cherry tomatoes too.
The market really is a tomato lover’s heaven. For proof of that, don’t miss our celebration of the tomato… TomatoFest!
Jones Mill Farm Heirloom Tomatoes
Norton Family Farm Cherry Tomatoes, oh so sweet!
J.R. and Judy of Jones Mill Farm putting out more Heirloom Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes and Blackberries all around the Market
A crisp 62 degrees brought out so many Foodies!
On July 27th, tomatoes rule the roost at the Franklin Farmers Market with chef demos from Amerigo Italian Restaurant, tomato squashing and seed saving, yummy samples and the Totally Terrific Tomat-Oh! contest.
Mark your calendars now. You don’t want to miss it.
The Market was buzzing with the first crop of Tennessee Silver Queen Corn
And while we love our tomatoes dearly, corn was the king of the day this past Saturday as the first crop of Silver Queen corn arrived at the Franklin Farmers Market. It was snatched up so fast, that it was almost as if the farmers were handing out free money. The King Farm and the Gracy Farm sold out quickly and the other farms soon were out of the sweet kernels too. But if you missed out, no problem. There’ll be even more delicious corn next Saturday at the market.
Market customers helped themselves to fresh corn from the back of pickup trucks
All gone, sold out in just 2 hours
And a sweet treat made its’ first appearance at the market too. Pilgrim’s Produce farm has yummy watermelons. The “Yellow Doll” watermelons went fast, but more watermelons will be back at the market next Saturday.
We are blessed to have such wonderful Farmers! Lucy’s Kitchen visiting with Pilgrims Produce
Just picked Organic Apples from Delvin Farms
All in all, it was a great market. Lots of families roaming around, enjoying the fresh air and fresh food. A lot of new residents to Franklin stop by too, paying their first visit to the market. And our farmers enjoyed the day as much as you did. Thanks for your support of the Franklin Farmers Market!
Fresh farm grown Blueberries and Blueberry Syrup made just Friday night before Saturday market
A great year of nice Tennessee weather delivering wonderful CSA’s from Delvin Farms
So many farm fresh veggies to choose from
Another Chef picking up farm fresh cherry tomatoes?
A happy market visitor finding fresh apples and a sunflower
This smile says it all…A great week of farm fresh food ahead