Local Families enjoy shopping for local farm fresh produce each Saturday of the year
Since the Franklin Farmers Market opened in 2002, we’ve always called the Factory our home. But a lot of things have changed in the past 12 years. Instead of 8 farmers, we have over 70 farms at the market throughout the year plus local artisans, prepared food vendors and food trucks which makes the market a pretty popular place to go on Saturday mornings. It’s great that so many of you support local foods and local farms and we enjoy seeing everybody each week.
Rocky Glade Farm sold out of their produce by 11am many days
Zadok the Natural Farmer is a popular stop for farm fresh veggies
Bloomsbury Farm is one of many farmers known for their Heirloom Tomatoes
A long line of customers waiting for Ellie’s Old Fashioned Doughnuts
We love our home at the Factory. We’ve been there over a decade and it’s been a great place for us to be in. The Factory has been diligently listening to our growth needs along with what improvements can be made to make it the best location for you and our farmers. The market board is in active discussions with Factory officials about extending our lease and what can be done to make things easier for access to the market.
During peak Spring and Summer months there is a long line of cars lined up for entrance into the market
The aisles under the shed crowd quickly starting in early spring
Even our vendor tents next to the shed get really busy
We also have been looking at other possible locations for the market, including the Bicentennial Park location, which is two blocks off the downtown square of Franklin. Some of you may remember it as the old boot factory location on North Margin Street. There’s a lot of activity going on in the area, including the 3rd Avenue extension project, which gives the park easy access from Hillsboro Road as well as downtown routes. We appreciate all the efforts from the City of Franklin in offering us new possible market locations.
But would that be a good home for the market? Is there a better location or is our current home at the Factory the best place for the market?
We’ve listed a few questions below and would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for supporting our Tennessee farmers and Artisans who work hard to bring the best quality produce, meats, baked goods and Artisan Crafts each Saturday to market.
The Polls are now closed, thank you everyone for voting and leaving your valuable comments.
How satisfied are you with parking for the Franklin Farmers Market (FFM) during our peak Spring, Summer and early Fall times?
- Always plenty of parking (9%, 16 Votes)
- I can find parking if I come early or late (52%, 97 Votes)
- It's too congested to get into the parking lot quickly (30%, 55 Votes)
- I've stop coming because of the lack of parking (10%, 18 Votes)
Total Voters: 186
How is your shopping experience during our peak Spring, Summer and early Fall times?
- There's plenty of room to shop among the vendors (2%, 3 Votes)
- It's crowded but I don't mind the crowds (37%, 70 Votes)
- I come early to beat the crowds (45%, 84 Votes)
- I've stop coming because it's too crowded under the shed (16%, 30 Votes)
Total Voters: 187

How long have you been a FFM customer?
- Since the beginning in 2002 (21%, 44 Votes)
- 5 years or more (31%, 64 Votes)
- 3 years or more (24%, 50 Votes)
- 1 year or more (20%, 40 Votes)
- I'm a newbie, less than a year (3%, 7 Votes)
- Never have visited the FFM (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 205