The tantalizing smell of local farm beef, chicken or pork chops sizzling on the grill of a Big Green Egg just can’t be beat. It’s all grilled to perfection, tender and juicy on the inside with a delicious farm meat flavor.
Two Ribeye’s Grilling on the Big Green Egg
Free Range Chickens are great for Smoking on a Big Green Egg
And when you use top-rated meats from local farms, it becomes the ultimate mouthwatering experience.
Local farm Beef Ribeye from the Franklin Farmers Market
Local Farm Grilled Steak from the Franklin Farmers Market
Find out for yourself this Saturday at the Franklin Farmers Market. It’s the Day of the Grill and it’s your chance to sample local farm meats from West Wind Farms, Peaceful Pastures, Bear Creek Farm, Triple L Ranch, River Cottage Farm and Beaverdam Creek Farm.
Bear Creek Pigs
Local Farm Beef
Local Free Range Chicken
Triple L Ranch Cattle
Chef Jeff Lunsford of the Hearth and Grill Shop
Master griller Chef Jeff Lunsford from The Hearth and Grill Shop will use his talents to give you free samples of appetizing local farm meats. “The Franklin Farmers Market supplies top quality meats that are produced from livestock -raised locally under the watchful eye of farmers that care about their animals, their product and the people they sell it to,” said Chef Jeff. This Saturday, enjoy cuts of steak, chicken, pork and lamb. Or take a bite of a “slider” – local ground beef, mixed with chopped jalapeños and grated cheese from Kenny’s Farmhouse Aged Cheddar provided by Moonshadow Farm. It’s served on one of Jones Mill Farm’s famous sourdough rolls.
Jones Mill Farm Sourdough Rolls
Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheddar from Moonshadow Farm
Everything will be grilled to perfection on a Big Green Egg Smoker & Grill from The Hearth and Grill Shop. “As a chef, I insist on the highest quality equipment and the very best local products,” said Chef Jeff. “The Big Green Egg provides me with the best Ceramic – Charcoal grill and smoker rolled into one fabulous grill.”
Vacuum sealed Ribeye’s
Local Farm Beef Ribeye’s
Look for The Hearth and Grill tent at the front of the market this Saturday and treat yourself to free samples of delicious grilled meats from our local meat farmers. Meat lovers, rejoice! It’s the Day of the Grill at the Franklin Farmers Market!
Local Free Range Chicken ready for the Big Green Egg Smoker