Teddy Pennington shows off his spitting skills.
One, two, three….spit! Who knew that spitting seeds could be an athletic event? That’s what happened at the Franklin Farmers Market this past Saturday at the 2nd annual Watermelon Festival. Contestants lined up to show off their spitting ability with watermelon seeds and claim the coveted Seed-Spitting Championship title. The winner was Casey Walker, who put the kids to shame with her athletic spitting ability. However, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place contestants were winners too.
The winners took home sweet juicy watermelons
All of them went home with a delicious sweet watermelon. Watermelon was definitely the star of the market, with delicious watermelon slices to munch on while walking around the market.
A big crowd at the Watermelon Festival!
As we’ve said before, it’s the high season at the market, with summer produce at its peak. Lots of people walking around with big bags filled with peppers and tomatoes; lettuce, potatoes, onions, corn, purple hull peas and much more.
Tasty, ripe bell peppers at the market
Sweet corn from the King Family Farm
And it was a record-setting hot August day for the Franklin Farmers Market too. Over 3,000 people came to the market’s Watermelon Festival! We are very grateful for your support of local farms and local food.
Local artisan Tom The Furniture Guy shows his wares
There is always music at the Franklin Farmers Market
Munching on yummy treats from Ellie’s Doughnuts
Watermelon seed bean bag toss at the festival
How fast can you eat a watermelon slice without using your hands?
The highlight of the day though was the fastest watermelon eating contest. Contestants quickly munched and slurped down watermelon slices with their hands behind their back.
Max wins the top prize
It was a very close call, but in the end, Max Atlas took home the championship along with his first place winnings – a big CSA box of produce from Delvin Farms, honey from Johnson’s Honey Farm, sweet preserves from the Norton Family Farm, chess pie from Geraldine’s Pies, fresh yummy doughnuts from Ellie’s Doughnuts, a bar of goat soap from Tottys Bend Goat Farm and of course, a delicious watermelon!
First place winner Max and his brothers hold up the contest prizes
And if you were at the market for the watermelon festival, you may now be a star on the market website! Click here and check out the photos of market day fun in our photo gallery. Lots of photos snapped, lots of smiling faces. Proof that when all was said and done, it was a great day at the Franklin Farmers Market for everyone!
Evie, a student at the Growing Kids Garden
A juicy watermelon makes everyone smile!
The Franklin Farmers Market Watermelon Festival is proudly sponsored by the Williamson Herald and Southern Exposure Magazine
Picking out the perfect watermelon
Slicing watermelon to munch at the market
Juicy, slurping fun at the watermelon eating contest