Category Archives: Market Saturday News

Franklin Square Pickers Retire, Play at Farmers Market for Last Time


Franklin Square Pickers

The sweet sound of a fiddle and the tickling of a mandolin’s strings; the passionate picking of a banjo and acoustic guitar – it’s all a part of the bluegrass music the Franklin Square Pickers have played for us since the market began.


Red Marbut

But this past Saturday, we said goodbye to the band, as they played their last show. While Lauren’s musical career will continue to grow, Red, Gerald, Russell and Lily are hanging up their instruments and retiring.


Russell Jackson


Gerald Pollack


Lizzy Jackson


Mandolin Plater


Mandolin Player


Lauren Cocklyn

It was literally a sweet goodbye, as Lucy’s Kitchen made an incredibly delicious cake to celebrate the band’s history. And the pickers got an extra special gift for their years of being part of the market which was a caricature of the band created by artist Lorie Cooper.


Retirement Cake by Lucy’s Kitchen


Lori Cooper’s Caricature of the Franklin Square Pickers

So it’s a fond farewell to the Franklin Square Pickers and thank you for being a part of our market family!


Friends of the Franklin Square Pickers pose together


Lori Cooper did a fabulous job capturing the likeness of the Franklin Square Pickers

Mind your own Bees-ness. To Seed or Not to Seed. Doing the Worm Wiggle. These are all lessons from the market’s Growing Kids Educational Garden, where kids get an “edible education” about where their food comes from and what it takes to grow it. The movement to get kids to eat healthier and learn more about gardening and local farms is growing across the country. October is Farm to School Month, a time to celebrate the connections that are happening all over the country between schools and local food. The Franklin Farmers Market will continue its efforts in 2014 to educate kids through the Growing Kids Educational Garden. But we want it grow bigger and better and with your help, it can. In this Thursday’s edition of the market’s newsletter, find out how you can play a part in helping the garden grow for the kids.

Invasion of the Scarecrows

Taste Local Farm Meats this Saturday at our Day of the Grill Tasting Event

The tantalizing smell of local farm beef, chicken or pork chops sizzling on the grill of a Big Green Egg just can’t be beat. It’s all grilled to perfection, tender and juicy on the inside with a delicious farm meat flavor.

Ribeyes on Big Green Egg

Two Ribeye’s Grilling on the Big Green Egg

Big Green Egg Chicken

Free Range Chickens are great for Smoking on a Big Green Egg

And when you use top-rated meats from local farms, it becomes the ultimate mouthwatering experience.

local farm beef ribeye

Local farm Beef Ribeye from the Franklin Farmers Market

Local Farm Grilled Steaks

Local Farm Grilled Steak from the Franklin Farmers Market

Find out for yourself this Saturday at the Franklin Farmers Market. It’s the Day of the Grill and it’s your chance to sample local farm meats from West Wind Farms, Peaceful Pastures, Bear Creek Farm, Triple L Ranch, River Cottage Farm and Beaverdam Creek Farm.

Bear Creek Pigs

Bear Creek Pigs

Local Farm Beef

Local Farm Beef

Local Free Range Chicken

Local Free Range Chicken

Triple L Beef

Triple L Ranch Cattle

Chef Jeff Lunsford

Chef Jeff Lunsford of the Hearth and Grill Shop

Master griller Chef Jeff Lunsford from The Hearth and Grill Shop will use his talents to give you free samples of appetizing local farm meats.  “The Franklin Farmers Market supplies top quality meats that are produced from livestock -raised locally under the watchful eye of farmers that care about their animals, their product and the people they sell it to,” said Chef Jeff. This Saturday, enjoy cuts of steak, chicken, pork and lamb. Or take a bite of a “slider” – local ground beef, mixed with chopped jalapeños and grated cheese from Kenny’s Farmhouse Aged Cheddar provided by Moonshadow Farm. It’s served on one of Jones Mill Farm’s famous sourdough rolls.


Jones Mill Farm Sourdough Rolls


Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheddar from Moonshadow Farm

Everything will be grilled to perfection on a Big Green Egg Smoker & Grill from The Hearth and Grill Shop. “As a chef, I insist on the highest quality equipment and the very best local products,” said Chef Jeff. “The Big Green Egg provides me with the best Ceramic – Charcoal grill and smoker rolled into one fabulous grill.”

Vacuum sealed beef

Vacuum sealed Ribeye’s

Local Farm Beef Ribeyes

Local Farm Beef Ribeye’s

Look for The Hearth and Grill tent at the front of the market this Saturday and treat yourself to free samples of delicious grilled meats from our local meat farmers.  Meat lovers, rejoice! It’s the Day of the Grill at the Franklin Farmers Market!

Free Range Chicken

Local Free Range Chicken ready for the Big Green Egg Smoker

New Fall Events Coming to Farmers Market


Norton Family Farm Fresh Carrots

Fall is definitely in the air. At the market this past Saturday, it was a bit cool with a light breeze, making it the perfect morning to stroll around with a warm doughnut and a cup of hot coffee from Ellie’s Doughnuts.


Flying S Farm White Chocolate Friendship Bread


Pumplin Rolls sell out fast from Norton Family Farm

Other signs of fall at the market too, like the first appearance of winter squash, more root veggies, apple cider…

…and lots of pumpkins.


A Pumpkin Helper


Cinderella Pumpkins


King Farm Pumpkins Invade the FFM


Small Pumpkins for young visitors


King Farm Flat Bed Trailer Filled with Pumpkins of all colors and sizes

But the thing that tells us that fall is really here is the big question we’re asked every year – When do you close down for winter? The answer is, we don’t. The Franklin Farmers Market goes on year-round. Surprised? You’re not alone. A lot of folks wonder how a farmers market that’s dedicated to food from local farms can be open during the winter. In Tennessee, our winters are a bit milder and that allows farmers to extend their warm weather crops a little longer.


Beautiful Tomatoes still in good supply


Beaverdam Creek Farm Fall Eggplant


Trish holding a CSA from Beaverdam Creek Farm


Bloomsbury Farm Wheat Grass and Beets

And a number of farmers now use “tunnels” which consists of metal frames with plastic stretch over them. The plants are in the garden patch like they normally would be but the protection of the tunnel keeps frost from killing the plants. And finally, there are quite a few vegetables that prefer to grow in cool weather, like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage or carrots and potatoes.  The winter season for the Franklin Farmers Market begins in November.


Fall Mums and Custom Baskets from Bloomin’ Baskets


Fresh Jams and Preserves from Jones Mill Farms


Brenda of Moonshadow Farm hosting Kenny of Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese


Pilgrims Produce with their fall produce selection

Meat lovers, rejoice! Next Saturday, October 5th is the Day of the Grill at the market with samples of tender beef, pork, chicken and lamb from our Tennessee meat farms at the market. Enjoy tasty bites of meat from Triple L Ranch, Bear Creek Farm, West Wind Farm, Peaceful Pastures, River Cottage Farm and Beaverdam Creek Farm.  Chef Jeff Lunsford will use his talents on the grill to prepare the delicious samples.  Chef Jeff is a grill expert extraordinaire from The Hearth and Grill Shop. The Hearth and Grill Shop is locally owned and has been Middle Tennessee’s favorite spot for top-notch grills for over 40 years. This is your chance to enjoy mouthwatering samples of meat grilled to perfection on a Big Green Egg Smoker & Grill, which considered by many to be the best grill ever made. Don’t miss it… next Saturday, the Day of the Grill at the Franklin Farmers Market!


Persimmons bring a smile to Lauren of Bloomsbury Farm

Giant smiling pumpkins and tiny little scarecrows were spotted at the market this past Saturday and they were all pointing to one thing… The Invasion of the Scarecrows is coming soon with lots of fun for the family. How about a kids pumpkin patch, funny face painting and a pumpkin decoration booth? And the best part is it’s free. It’s happening on October 19th  – The Invasion of the Scarecrows at the Franklin Farmers Market.  Presented by our good friends at Williamson Medical Center.

Visit our Photo Gallery to view pictures from this past Saturday’s Market and all Saturday Markets since May of this year.

Farm Fresh Summer Produce still available at our Tennessee Farmers Market

Maybe it was that yummy roll with sausage from Jones Mill Farms. Or it could have been a deliciously sweet treat from Ellie’s Doughnuts with a good cup of hot coffee. Or perhaps some of Hatcher Dairy’s famous chocolate milk was the way to start the day. Whatever it was, despite the wet weather, a whole lot of you showed up and munched on breakfast goodies while walking around the market this past Saturday morning.


Ellie’s Old Fashioned Doughnets


Norton Family Farm Pumpkin Rolls


Singing in the Rain!


BB’s Gourmet Pretzels


Wonderful Granola MIx

And our farmers and vendors really appreciate that, because whether it’s rain or shine, hot or cold, there’s good fresh food harvested every day. So again, big thanks to everyone who came out to shop at the Franklin Farmers Market in less than ideal weather.


Pumpkin Face Drawing


Peaceful Pastures now taking Turkey orders

The cooler, wet weather shouldn’t have been a surprise though because Sunday was the official first day of autumn and that means some changes are coming in the produce at the market. There are still a lot of your summer favorites, like tomatoes and cucumbers or squash and field peas.


Farm Fresh Tonmatoes


Just picked Okra


Summer Veggies from Pilgrims Produce


Produce variety from Pilgrims Produce

But with the change in the season, different veggies start showing up. Not everything in the garden is harvested during the hot days of summer. There are a number of vegetables that grow better in cooler temps and are ready to be harvested during both spring and fall.  That’s why there is a good supply of such veggies like radishes, beets and carrots during the cool months at the market. Turnips, lettuce and sweet potatoes are plentiful during the fall and spring too. Many farms in Middle Tennessee grow all year long, so the Franklin Farmers Market stays open all year long. The winter market officially begins on November 2nd.


Pumpkins in market from Purple Tree Farm


Sweet Potatoes from Colbert Farm


Wagon of Pumpkins from King Farm

And of course with the fall season, pumpkins come to the market. And when the pumpkins start showing up (like they are now), scarecrows are not too far behind them. October 19th is the day for scarecrows to take over the market. The Invasion of the Scarecrows is great day for family fun, with a free pumpkin patch for the kids, yummy pumpkin goodies to eat, plus the kids can paint pumpkins and get their faces painted too! The Invasion of the Scarecrows is presented by the Williamson Medical Center.


Cherry Jelly from Norton Family Farm


Sunflowers and Veggies from Beaverdam Creek Farm

Great veggies to eat and enjoy; lots of pumpkins and a market takeover by scarecrows… We love fall at the Franklin Farmers Market!

Farmer Market Meats, Fresh Vegetables and Apple Cider great for Fall Football Tailgating


Apples!  Apples!  Apples!  So many varieties to choose from!

We’ve got to say, this past Saturday at the Franklin Farmers Market was just right… beautiful blue skies, perfect weather and the absolute best of fresh food from local farms. Who could ask for anything more? The first official day of fall is actually next Sunday, but the delicious food of the season is starting to come into the market now. Crisp apples and apple cider, root veggies and squash – fall is definitely just around the corner.


Beautiful just picked Squash from Rainbow Hill Farm


Collard Greens from Norris Family Farm


Fresh Apple Cider from Kirkview Farm


Multi-colored peppers are still in good supply and great for grilling


Fresh picked Apples from Rainbow Hill Farm, Apple Pie Anyone?


Fresh picked Lettuces from Norris Family Farm


Triple L Ranch Fresh Beef Ribeye’s

Or maybe we should call it something else besides fall. Maybe we should call it football tailgating season, because a lot of you are picking up beef, chicken, pork and more from the meat farmers now. The market is the place for meats and veggies to be outdoor grilling before the football games.


Grilling Triple L Ranch Ribeye’s on a Big Green Egg


Fall Football Tailgating with Farm Fresh Beef , Chicken and Pork Delivers unmatched Flavor!

And there was a lot of talk about scarecrows at the market this past Saturday too. The Invasion of the Scarecrows takes place on October 19th, with lots and lots of scarecrows taking over the Franklin Farmers Market. It’s a big day of family fun, with a free pumpkin patch for the kids and much more. Look for more details soon. The Invasion of the Scarecrows is brought to you by the Williamson Medical Center.


Finally, this past Saturday was also a great day at the market’s Growing Kids Educational Garden. While the kids have gone back to school and the garden classes are over for the year, there’s a lot that needs to be done to put the garden to bed for the winter. And the community team from Whole Foods came out and took a big step in helping us get the garden cleaned up and ready to grow next spring. From pulling up weeds to taking out dead veggie plants, our friends from Whole Foods did a great job on the garden.

So we’ll say it again… all in all, this past Saturday was just right!

Farm Produce Now Purchased in Bulk for Winter Canning and Freezing

Early Saturday morning at the Franklin Farmers Market, there was a just a little touch of fall in the air. Cooler temps made for a nice start to the day. But soon, the day went back into summer mode with bright sunshine and hotter temps. It was fitting though, because there are still plenty of summer favorites available from the farmers.


Summer Okra still in good supply


Fresh picked Herbs from Bloomsbury Farm


Cucumbers, Large and Small Tomatoes from May Lo Fresh Produce


Green Beans from Rainbow Hill Farm


Fresh Plump Tomatoes from Rainbow Hill Farm


Mark Alan Artisan Woods

But this past Saturday was also the very first market day of September and while we are all about fresh food from local farms, September brings more unique arts and crafts to the Franklin Farmers Market.  Every Saturday in September we celebrate the local artisans of middle Tennessee. Long time favorites, such as V’s Pottery, Lovely Beads by Brenda and Mark Alan Artisan Woods are at the market through September, but there are new crafts people too, like El’s Silverware and Glass Gardens by RuthE.


Hand made beads from Lovely Beads by Brenda


Hand carved wood from Mark Alan Artisan Woods


Custom made craft baskets from Bloomin’ Baskets

September also brings the first of big beautiful flowers to market too, like those from Bloomin’ Baskets and the huge mums from Purple Tree Farm. And the first of the pumpkins are also starting to show up. Pumpkins little and big, orange or striped white and green were spotted this past Saturday. Fresh apples are now at the market too, along with apple cider. Fall is definitely just around the corner.


Nice variety of Pumpkins from Purple Tree Farm


Just picked Apples from Rainbow Hill Farm


Apple Cider from Kirkview Farm


Fresh Carrots from Norris Family Farm


Sharon talking recipes with a young chef!


Fresh Baked Cookies from Dozen


Great Traditional Bluegrass from the Franklin Square Pickers

And with the approach of cooler weather, some of what occurs each fall at the market is quite odd. Things start to look different and curious characters begin to appear. Keep your eyes wide open…They are coming to the market soon. Very soon.

Visit photos from this past Saturday’s Market by clicking here!


Farmers Market eases into Fall with Summer Vegetables still in Large Supply


Deb Ringing in the start of another great Market Saturday

You know that old saying about how time flies? It’s true. Even though autumn doesn’t start until late September, everyone considers Labor Day to be the end of summer. School’s back in session, there’s no more summer vacation and all of our favorite summer fruits and veggies are gone. But wait just a minute…that last part’s not true. There are still plenty of summer goodies at the Franklin Farmers Market.


Fresh Produce from Bloomsbury Farm

The proof is in the photos… Look at the beautiful produce from Bloomsbury Farm that was available at the market this past weekend.


Farm Fresh Green Beans from Kirkview Farm

There were lots of fresh veggies and fruits to choose from, like these green beans from Kirkview Farm or these sweet watermelons from Pilgrims Produce.


Heirloom Tomatoes from Evans Produce


Kirkview Farm Peaches

Okra, Onions and Garlic from Gardner Grove


Beaverdam Creek Farm Booth full of produce


Gardner Grove Heirloom Tomatoes

mAnd while it is almost the end of summer, the market keeps on going and going. There were a lot of people on Saturday, asking when the market would shut down for the winter. We don’t. The Franklin Farmers Market is open year-round, every Saturday. There are lots of good winter vegetables that our farmers grow too.


First Pumpkins of Fall 2013 King Farm


Bags of Apples from Kirkview Farm


Farm Fresh Sprouts from Bloomsbury Farm

So while summer may be flying by in a hurry, there are no worries about getting good local fresh foods. The Franklin Farmers Market has got what you want.


Ellie’s Old Fashioned Doughnuts


Fresh Baked Cookies and Scones from Dozen


Fresh Tomato Juices and Salsa from Delvin Farms


Tie Dye Garments from Pieceful World Clothing


Little Jimmy’s Italian Ices

However with the fall season, there is a peculiar occurrence takes place at the market. There’s a curious change in the way things normally are. Something odd happens and strange occupants suddenly overrun the market. So be forewarned… they are coming to the Franklin Farmers Market soon… very soon.

Watermelon Festival Brings Fun and Games for Kids!


Teddy Pennington shows off his spitting skills.

One, two, three….spit! Who knew that spitting seeds could be an athletic event? That’s what happened at the Franklin Farmers Market this past Saturday at the 2nd annual Watermelon Festival.  Contestants lined up to show off their spitting ability with watermelon seeds and claim the coveted Seed-Spitting Championship title. The winner was Casey Walker, who put the kids to shame with her athletic spitting ability. However, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place contestants were winners too.


The winners took home sweet  juicy watermelons

All of them went home with a delicious sweet watermelon. Watermelon was definitely the star of the market, with delicious watermelon slices to munch on while walking around the market.


A big crowd at the Watermelon Festival!

As we’ve said before, it’s the high season at the market, with summer produce at its peak. Lots of people walking around with big bags filled with peppers and tomatoes; lettuce, potatoes, onions, corn, purple hull peas and much more.


Tasty, ripe bell peppers at the market


Sweet corn from the King Family Farm

And it was a record-setting hot August day for the Franklin Farmers Market too. Over 3,000 people came to the market’s Watermelon Festival! We are very grateful for your support of local farms and local food.


Local artisan Tom The Furniture Guy shows his wares


There is always music at the Franklin Farmers Market


Munching on yummy treats from Ellie’s Doughnuts


Watermelon seed bean bag toss at the festival


How fast can you eat a watermelon slice without using your hands?

The highlight of the day though was the fastest watermelon eating contest. Contestants quickly munched and slurped down watermelon slices with their hands behind their back.


Max wins the top prize

It was a very close call, but in the end, Max Atlas took home the championship along with his first place winnings – a big CSA box of produce from Delvin Farms, honey from Johnson’s Honey Farm, sweet preserves from the Norton Family Farm, chess pie from Geraldine’s Pies, fresh yummy doughnuts from Ellie’s Doughnuts, a bar of goat soap from Tottys Bend Goat Farm and of course, a delicious watermelon!


First place winner Max and his brothers hold up the contest prizes

And if you were at the market for the watermelon festival, you may now be a star on the market website! Click here and check out the photos of market day fun in our photo gallery. Lots of photos snapped, lots of smiling faces. Proof that when all was said and done, it was a great day at the Franklin Farmers Market for everyone!


Evie, a student at the Growing Kids Garden


A juicy watermelon makes everyone smile!


The Franklin Farmers Market Watermelon Festival is proudly sponsored by the Williamson Herald and Southern Exposure Magazine


Picking out the perfect watermelon


Slicing watermelon to munch at the market


Juicy, slurping fun at the watermelon eating contest

Large Crop of Tennessee Melons Now at the Franklin Farmers Market


Farm Fresh Cumbers and Tomatoes from See Sun Vu Farm

It’s been a strange summer. Here we are in August, which is typically a dry and very hot month. But we’ve had plenty of rain and lows in the 50’s. Weird weather indeed, but on the flip side, it’s been good for the veggies. Right now, the Franklin Farmers Market is loaded with lots of great vegetables. You should have seen the pile of peppers at the Gardner’s Grove booth!


Multi-Colored Peppers from Gardener Grove Farm


Over 30 different varieties of Tomatoes


Beautiful Egg Plant  coming in for 2013 from See Sun Vu Farm


A Great Summer for Cantaloupe from Kirkview Farm


This Mom teaching her son about  Delvin Farms CSA fresh veggies


This year Watermelons are HUGE from Tim of Colbert Farm

And tomatoes were everywhere. Mr. Cecil’s tomatoes were hot items this past Saturday, along with green beans from the Colbert Farm and corn from the King Family Farm. Chicken for the grill was the big thing from River Cottage Farm. The Delvin Farm had cantaloupes that were huge (and sweet!) and of course, several of the farms had delicious watermelons.


So Very Fresh Green Beans from Kirkview Farm


Beautiful Potatoes and Melons from Colbert Farm


Fried Green Tomatoes anyone from Bloomsbury Farm


Beautiful Apples from Kirkview Farm


Wonderful Plums and Peaches from Kirkview Farm


Watermelon Festival is Next Weekend!

Speaking of watermelons, the market’s big Watermelon Festival is coming up this Saturday (August 24th) and it’s a big juicy day of fun for everyone. Besides delicious slices of watermelon to munch on, there are games and face painting for the kids, weird watermelon carvings and the two contests you don’t want to miss – the watermelon seed spitting challenge and the fastest watermelon eating competition.

The excitement is building, as you can see in this short youtube video from one of the potential competitors in the watermelon eating contest:

The seed spitting contest takes place at 10am, while the watermelon eating contest is at 11:30. If you’re up to the challenge, come by the market’s info booth Saturday morning to register. Don’t miss the Franklin Farmers Market Watermelon Festival, presented by the Williamson Herald and Southern Exposure Magazine!


Fresh Goat Cheese to Sample from Noble Springs Dairy Farm


Lots of Tomatoes from Rocky Glade Farm


Golden Melons from Beaverdam Creek Farm


Truck loads of Sweet Corn selling out fast from the King Family Farm


Fresh made mini Quiche from Jones Mill Farm

Over 30 Different Tomato Varieties Now at the Franklin Farmers Market


Beaverdam Creek Tomatoes

How many tomatoes do you think we had at the Franklin Farmers Market this past Saturday? We’re not sure either, but we could say it was an invasion, because there were tomatoes everywhere.  Our Tennessee Farmers bring over 30 different varieties from red and yellow tomatoes, striped and purple tomatoes, big and small cherry tomatoes, including heirloom tomatoes and traditional favorites.  Perfect for canning and making relish or just a good old BLT. We love this time of the year, because it’s not just the number of tomatoes that is so high, but all of the other summertime favorites of the garden are ripe and ready to eat.


Bloomsbury Farm Wheat Grass


Farm Fresh picked Peaches and Cream Corn


Farm Fresh Produce and Herbs from Rocky Glade Farm


AssortedTie Dyed Clothing from Pieceful World Clothing


Artisan Woods by Cody

Bags of purple hull peas and green beans were being snapped up at the market, along with okra and bell peppers. Those sweet juicy peaches from Kirkview Farm were also a big hit.


Sweet Peaches and Apples from Rainbow Hill Farm


Kirkview Farms Purple Hull Peas and Melons


Ice Cold Limeade and teas from Lucy’s Kitchen

It was a little hot on Saturday… Okay, it was just flat out hot and muggy. But it didn’t matter. Folks were drinking ice cold, fresh limeade from Lucy’s Kitchen or dipping spoons into sweet delicious gelato from Hatcher’s Dairy to stay cool. And you know what one of the best things is about coming to the market? Even though you know what’s ripe and ready to eat, there’s always something new to enjoy too. Like Delvin Farm’s organic hot & spicy tomato juice. Great for cooking and drinking! Or like Rainbow Hill Farm’s Concord grapes.


Organic Bloody Mary Mix from Delvin Farms organic tomatoes


Concord Grapes from Rainbow Hill Farm


Beautiful Watermelons from Bronnenberg Farm

Circle August 24th on your calendars, because that’s a big, sweet seed-spittin’ fun day at the farmers market. It’s the Franklin Farmers Market Watermelon Festival, presented by our friends at the Williamson Herald and Southern Exposure Magazine.  You don’t want to miss the watermelon seed spitting or the fastest watermelon eating contests. There are games and face painting for the kids, wild watermelon carvings and plenty of ice cold watermelons to enjoy.


Cecil’s Tomatoes from Pocahontas Creek Farms

And finally, you know the old saying about the early bird getting the worm? That’s been the thought about the market too. Get there early to make sure you get the best of the farm fresh produce you want before it runs out. But trying to scope out the fresh picked veggies early at the market could be dangerous. Our Tennessee farmers and vendors start setting up their farm booths early, but there are so many farmers at the market that they all can’t get moved in at the same time. And if they are trying to unload their trucks and set things up, it’s not safe for you to walk around the market.

So we’re asking you to please wait until the market opens to start shopping. The Franklin Farmers Market opens at 8am. When you hear the bell ringing, come on in!

Don’t forget to visit our pictures from Saturday.


Canned Cucumbers from Norton Family Farm


Tomato Season is in Full Swing!


FFM Manager Deb with  Lex and Tim from Colbert Farm


These Farm Fresh Tomatoes are hand picked fresh, from the farm, by our Tennessee Farmers and their families as these tomatoes are from Zadok the Natural Farmer