Norton Family Farm Fresh Carrots
Fall is definitely in the air. At the market this past Saturday, it was a bit cool with a light breeze, making it the perfect morning to stroll around with a warm doughnut and a cup of hot coffee from Ellie’s Doughnuts.
Flying S Farm White Chocolate Friendship Bread
Pumplin Rolls sell out fast from Norton Family Farm
Other signs of fall at the market too, like the first appearance of winter squash, more root veggies, apple cider…
…and lots of pumpkins.
A Pumpkin Helper
Cinderella Pumpkins
King Farm Pumpkins Invade the FFM
Small Pumpkins for young visitors
King Farm Flat Bed Trailer Filled with Pumpkins of all colors and sizes
But the thing that tells us that fall is really here is the big question we’re asked every year – When do you close down for winter? The answer is, we don’t. The Franklin Farmers Market goes on year-round. Surprised? You’re not alone. A lot of folks wonder how a farmers market that’s dedicated to food from local farms can be open during the winter. In Tennessee, our winters are a bit milder and that allows farmers to extend their warm weather crops a little longer.
Beautiful Tomatoes still in good supply
Beaverdam Creek Farm Fall Eggplant
Trish holding a CSA from Beaverdam Creek Farm
Bloomsbury Farm Wheat Grass and Beets
And a number of farmers now use “tunnels” which consists of metal frames with plastic stretch over them. The plants are in the garden patch like they normally would be but the protection of the tunnel keeps frost from killing the plants. And finally, there are quite a few vegetables that prefer to grow in cool weather, like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage or carrots and potatoes. The winter season for the Franklin Farmers Market begins in November.
Fall Mums and Custom Baskets from Bloomin’ Baskets
Fresh Jams and Preserves from Jones Mill Farms
Brenda of Moonshadow Farm hosting Kenny of Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese
Pilgrims Produce with their fall produce selection
Meat lovers, rejoice! Next Saturday, October 5th is the Day of the Grill at the market with samples of tender beef, pork, chicken and lamb from our Tennessee meat farms at the market. Enjoy tasty bites of meat from Triple L Ranch, Bear Creek Farm, West Wind Farm, Peaceful Pastures, River Cottage Farm and Beaverdam Creek Farm. Chef Jeff Lunsford will use his talents on the grill to prepare the delicious samples. Chef Jeff is a grill expert extraordinaire from The Hearth and Grill Shop. The Hearth and Grill Shop is locally owned and has been Middle Tennessee’s favorite spot for top-notch grills for over 40 years. This is your chance to enjoy mouthwatering samples of meat grilled to perfection on a Big Green Egg Smoker & Grill, which considered by many to be the best grill ever made. Don’t miss it… next Saturday, the Day of the Grill at the Franklin Farmers Market!
Persimmons bring a smile to Lauren of Bloomsbury Farm
Giant smiling pumpkins and tiny little scarecrows were spotted at the market this past Saturday and they were all pointing to one thing… The Invasion of the Scarecrows is coming soon with lots of fun for the family. How about a kids pumpkin patch, funny face painting and a pumpkin decoration booth? And the best part is it’s free. It’s happening on October 19th – The Invasion of the Scarecrows at the Franklin Farmers Market. Presented by our good friends at Williamson Medical Center.
Visit our Photo Gallery to view pictures from this past Saturday’s Market and all Saturday Markets since May of this year.