Tag Archives: Franklin Farmers Market

Heavy Rain visits the Farmers Market and Farms across Middle Tennessee


Rain can’t keep away CSA customers

Rain, rain go away, come again some other day. We need rain to help the crops grow. However, what fell last week was a little more than we wanted. But it didn’t stop the farmers from getting out there and picking the best in fresh,Tennessee produce. And it didn’t stop the Franklin Farmers Market or our loyal customers either. Thanks to everyone who visited the market this past Saturday.


The market information booth was rain prepared


Families seemed to enjoy the rainy day

Despite the downpour, quite a crowd came out to get delicious veggies, such as carrots, cabbage and okra. More ripe and juicy tomatoes were at the market too, plus some unripe ones that were perfect for fried green tomato sandwiches.


Okra now in supply


Jones Mill Farm Heirloom tomatoes


Beaverdam Creek Farm and their CSA baskets


Blue Honey Farms Blueberries

Blackberries and blueberries were snatched up, along with yummy sweet peaches. And the first ears of corn were spotted at the market too. By the way, all of you corn lovers, take note: Rumor has it that the King family farm will have delicious Silver Queen corn this upcoming Saturday.

Fresh Blackberries from Kirkview Farm


1st Corn of 2013


Fresh Eggs from our youngest Farmer

And welcome to a new farmer at the Franklin Farmers Market. The fresh eggs that Zach Whitler brought to market went fast this past Saturday. And even though he’s only 11 years old, Zach already has quite the brood of chickens, such as Silkies, Leghorns and Ameraucanas, producing multi-colored eggs that are almost too pretty to eat. If you missed out on Zach’s eggs, don’t worry. He’ll be back at the market this Saturday, along with the sunshine we’ve been missing!


Jones Mill Farm Onions and Heirloom tomatoes


Norton Family Farm cherry tomatoes


This market visitor is so happy she found just what she was looking for!

Franklin Farmers Market Cookbook on Talk of the Town

Sharon Burbage appeared on WTVF Channel 5 Talk of the Town today introducing Nashville to the Franklin Farmers Market new recipe cookbook Eating in Season.  Lelan Statom of Channel 5 News helped Sharon prepare the new market cookbook recipe Rosemary Squash.  Sharon did a marvelous job as Lelan helped prepare the rosemary squash dish.  The farm fresh squash looked great on the television screen with Lelan and Sharon having a great time.


The cookbook recipes come from vendors, farmers and customers of the Franklin Farmers Market.  It took Sharon and Gayle Franks a year to accumulate recipes and determine which ones would be in the new farmers market cookbook.

Franklin Farmers Market Recipe Book "Eating in Seasons"

Franklin Farmers Market Recipe Book “Eating in Seasons”


Dottie, Sharon and Gayle at Saturday Market proudly presenting the new FFM recipe cookbook

You can purchase the new “Eating in Season” recipe cookbook on Saturday’s from 8am till 1pm at the the Franklin Farmers Market.  Sharon and Gayle both are usually on hand to answer questions and sometimes have samples of one of the recipes to try.  So come out and visit the Farmers of Tennessee and experience the farm fresh food of Tennessee with recipes from local Tennesseans.


FThe new Franklin Farmers Market Recipe Cookbook “Eating in Season” is now available at the market on Saturday’s from 8am till 1pm

Farm Fresh Produce being purchased in Record Numbers


Rocky Glade Tomatoes gone by 10am

And they’re off! When our farmers market opened last Saturday, it was just like the start of a race. Everyone was in a rush to find their favorite veggies and fruits. Farm Fresh Tomatoes were being grabbed in a hurry and blueberries were flying out of the market. Baskets of sweet juicy peaches were also being snatched up, along with beef steaks, ribs, ground beef, pork chops and other naturally raised farm meats for the outdoor grill. We take pride in having the best in fresh, locally grown food at the Franklin Farmers Market. And when produce such as tomatoes first start showing up, they are at the top of the list for everyone to take home.


Kelly’s Blueberries


Jones Mill Onions


Beaverdam Creek Veggies for Foodies

But relax. There’s plenty of good food at our farmers market. And the amount of farm produce and fruits you love increase every week through out the summer. For example, this past Saturday several of the farmers had the first of their tomato crop at the market. And there will be even more tomatoes to choose from this week. It’s the same thing with blueberries and other seasonal favorites. Our farmers grow a lot of food and you’ll always find a great selection at the Franklin Farmers Market.


Fresh Cut Flowers always popular


Jim Vaughn of Rocky Glade Farm

A lot of you stopped by the market information booth this past weekend to find out who had fresh corn or where the watermelons could be found. Remember, the food at the Franklin Farmers Market comes from local farmers, so it’s a little too early for both of those goodies to be ripe and ready in Middle Tennessee. But come by the info booth the next time you’re at the market and pick up a free copy of the Local Table magazine. It’s got a big seasonality chart so you can get a better idea of when your favorite veggies could be showing up at the market.


Delvin Farm Tomatoes


Kelly’s Blackberries


All smiles after visiting the market

We also had a lot of people asking where to find the ATM. There is an ATM near the front of The Factory. But the best things is to plan ahead and bring small bills, like ones, fives and tens to the market. And there are several farmers who now accept credit and debit cards too. So come on out to the Franklin Farmers Market this upcoming Saturday and get all of the food you want for your 4th of July weekend!


Colvin Farms Lettuce


Colvin Farm Lettuce


Beautiful Lettuces from Colvin Farm


A young supporter of Tennessee’s Colvin Farm at the Franklin Farmers Market back lot

Tennessee Tomatoes and Blackberries arrive at Farmers Market


Fresh Blackberries make their entrance for 2013!

The Word for the Day is…

Actually it’s two words: Tomatoes and blackberries! The very first tomatoes for the summer season were available at the Franklin Farmers Market this past Saturday from Rocky Glade Farm. It wasn’t a huge amount, but who cares? They were the first real Tennessee tomatoes of the year and everybody wanted one.

There were the blackberries.


Rocky Glade Farm had Tomatoes that sold out fast


This girl is all smiles over farm fresh blueberries and tomatoes

Kelley’s Berry Farm had the first pick of their crop of blackberries and so did the Colbert Family Farm. Again, the first of the season and not in a huge amount, but within the next couple weeks, the number of blackberries will grow much larger.  Summer has officially started and with the warm weather and sunshine, more and more crops are ready for picking and enjoying, so what’s available at market changes each week.


Kirkview Farm is loaded with summer produce


The Green Beans and Cabbage are all so beautiful

The market was pretty busy this past Saturday. We even had a tour of folks from Kentucky. The Kentucky State Agriculture Department’s Roadside Market Tour brought a busload of people into visit and they had nothing but good things to say about your market.


The Kentucky Roadside Market Tour visiting on Sat.


Market Manager Deb Grant visiting with Kentucky tour

And finally, everyone kept asking about the photo of the kids with the tractor in the market’s newsletter last Thursday. Those little “farmers” are all part of the Growing Kids Educational Garden classes that we conduct at the Park in Harlinsdale Farm just across from The Factory on Franklin Road. The classes take place every Thursday at the garden and the kids get to learn about such things good bugs and bad bugs, why worms are a good thing and the scoop on how cow poop can make a garden grow. Lots of hands-on activities too and classes are free. Registration for July classes is open now. Find out more by clicking on Kids section of the market website. Come see us next Saturday at the market!


As always Beaverdam Creek Farm has a large variety of Tennessee Farm Fresh Produce and CSA’s

Farmers Bring Fresh Green Beans, Squash, Cucumbers, Blueberries, Peppers, Onions and More to Market

You know it’s going to be a good day when you spy the first of the blueberries at the market. They were the early variety, tasty and juicy. Those blueberries didn’t last long though, but that’s okay.


Deb ringing in the Start of a wonderful Market Day


Lot’s of new visitors and vacationers enjoying the day

The market was full of delicious food last Saturday. Green beans and new potatoes, along with cauliflower, beets and other fresh produce were plentiful. A lot of good farm eggs were snapped up too, along with tender steaks for the grill. Yummy breads, desserts and honey…. It was a food paradise!


Fresh Flowers to Fresh Veggies at the market


Lucy’s Kitchen always has Breakfast Treats ready


First Cucumbers of Summer


Where’s my Olive Oil and Outdoor Grill?


Absolutely Beautiful Potatoes


The new Franklin Farmers Market Recipe Book has wonderful Recipes from our Famers!


We still have Strawberries…but not for long!


Ellie’s Fresh Made Old Fashion Donuts

But sometimes you can’t find the vegetable you really want at the market. A lot of questions were asked Saturday about when would tomatoes show up at market; why weren’t there any watermelons and where was the corn? Georgia and Alabama produce typically is ripe and ready about two weeks before it is in Tennessee. The further south a farm is, the quicker the garden grows. Plus this year, we had a wet and cool spring, so some produce is running a little later than usual. But you need to be familiar with the seasonality of produce and fruit grown in Tennessee. Tomatoes typically are not ripe and plentiful until July. It’s the same thing with corn and watermelons are at their best in July and August too. Next Saturday, stop by the Market Information booth and pick up a free copy of Local Table. It’s a great guide to food and farming in Middle Tennessee, and it also has a big seasonality chart so you can get a better idea of when your favorite veggies and fruits are ripe and at market.

Speaking of tomatoes, nothing says summer like a deliciously ripe tomato. And we’re not talking about those tomatoes that are shipped in from other states or countries. We crave real tomatoes; the locally grown tomatoes. So when those first Middle Tennessee tomatoes are ripe and ready, it’s time to celebrate. And we’re going to do just that with our salute to tomatoes. Don’t miss the Franklin Farmers Market’s TomatoFest, July 27th. Fresh tomatoes are the stars of the show. Enjoy samples of delicious heirloom tomatoes. Watch cooking demos of Chef Steven from Amerigo. Learn seed-saving techniques and take part in the ugly tomato contest. It’s a tomato lover’s heaven… TomatoFest at the Franklin Farmers Market!


New Fresh Peppers


Lovely Green Onions


The clean smell of Lavender was in the Air

New Tennessee Farm Fresh Food Now Arriving to Market


Lettuces, Carrots and Radishes

Blue skies, beautiful weather and delicious Tennessee Farm fresh food… who could ask for anything more? Yesterday was the perfect day at the Franklin Farmers Market. There were lots of tasty fresh veggies like cabbage, beets and delicious green beans. Cucumbers are coming in season too, plus squash and greens. And even though strawberry season is just about over, it won’t be too much longer before blackberries and blueberries start showing up at the farmers market.  It was great to see everyone at our Farmers Market on Saturday! Even some of our Growing Kids Garden students dropped by to say hello.


Onions, Carrots, Cabbages and Beets


Fresh Squash now at the Market

You know how we say it’s good to use one of the other entrances into the market? Here’s proof of why we say that.


Franklin Police directing traffic on Liberty Pike

The traffic on Liberty Pike at the main entrance to the market was backed up and the parking lot in that area was jammed. But folks coming into the market from other entrances had it much easier. So next Saturday, why not try the Franklin Road entrance and use the parking spaces on that side of The Factory. Chances are good that if you use a different entrance into the market, you won’t be delayed in traffic.

And a big thank you to everyone who observed the market’s official opening time. A lot of you early birds like to get to market first to make sure you get the tasty food you want. But the market’s opening time is 8am and we ask that you do not come into the market until it officially begins. The reason why is simple: It’s for your safety. There are farmers and vendors still setting up and moving into market right up to opening time. So shopping begins at 8am. Just listen for the bell signaling that market is open!


Fresh Romaine Lettuce


Norton Farm Cucumbers


Beaverdam Creek Farm Fresh Veggies

Finally here’s a little something that you need to know… There’s a special day coming up soon at the Franklin Farmers Market in Williamson County and you don’t want to miss it! Look for details later this week.


Cauliflower and Broccoli in plentiful supply


Farm Fresh Squash and Zucchini’s

Memorial Weekend at the Market! Wow, just Wow!

WOW…that pretty much sums up this past Saturday at the Franklin Farmers Market. The weather was perfect, the crowds were huge and the food was incredibly fresh and delicious. Almost everybody sold out!



Norton Family Farm

Getting into market was a bit of a challenge though and even with one of Franklin’s finest directing traffic, cars were still backed up over the railroad tracks on Liberty Pike.


Liberty Pike was backed most of the day


Thanks to Franklin Police Officers for directing traffic

No wonder why the crowds were so big. There were lots of goodies at the market, including a good supply of Tennessee strawberries, asparagus and tender cuts of steaks for the Memorial Day grill-out.


Ace’s Kettle Corn


Johnson’s Honey Farm

And as our farmers keep growing, so will the demand to buy delicious fresh food at the market.


Triple L Ranch

So here’s a tip on getting into the market faster: Use a different entrance.  Use the one closer to the front of The Factory complex, near the Liberty Pike/Franklin Road traffic light. Or better yet, use the entrance off Franklin Road that’s located on the far side of The Factory.

Just look for the market’s sign at the entrance, then use the parking at the side of the building.  Thank you to all our Tennessee Farmers on a wonderful day!


Purple Tree Farm

Strawberry Festival Brings Record Crowd to Franklin Farmers Market

It was the first sweet bite of spring and boy, did everyone enjoy it! The 2nd annual Franklin Farmers Market Strawberry Festival was great fun for everyone this past Saturday with games and music, the Barnyard Petting Zoo and of course, lots and lots of delicious fresh Tennessee strawberries.

Delvin Farms Strawberries 1st Place Winner

Delvin Farms Strawberries 1st Place Winner

Whole Foods Serving up Hatcher Dairy Farm Gelato

Whole Foods Serving up Hatcher Dairy Farm Gelato

A record number of mouthwatering homemade strawberry shortcakes were sold. These festival favorites were made by Norton Family Farm and topped with sweet berries from the farms of the market and whipped cream from the Hatcher Family Dairy. Our thanks to everyone who bought a shortcake and supported the market. All proceeds from the shortcakes help to support the Franklin Farmers Market’s special projects, such as the Growing Kids Educational Garden program. And the delicious strawberry gelato from Whole Foods Market also sold out quickly, with proceeds again going to the Franklin Farmers Market operational fund. Our thanks to Whole Foods Market for being the presenting sponsor of this year’s festival.

Record Number of Strawberry Shortcakes Sold

Record Number of Strawberry Shortcakes Sold

Record Crowd Gobbles up Farm Fresh Strawberries

Record Crowd Gobbles up Farm Fresh Strawberries

And congratulations to Delvin Farms for winning the contest for the best-tasting strawberries at the festival. Their sweet Chandler variety strawberries were favorites with judges Richard Herrington, President and CEO of Franklin Synergy Bank; Marilyn Lehew, co-founder of The Factory and Stoveworks Restaurant; Chef Chuck While, Personal Chef and co-author of the cookbook, “If It Makes You Healthy” with artist Sheryl Crow and Erika Kurre, Fox 17 Weekend News Anchor. The judges also chose Noble Springs Farm’s booth as the “Strawberriest” with its decorations, while Alfresco Pasta and Beaverdam Creek Farm came in 2nd and 3rd place. All in all, it was a berry fun day!

3rd Place Winner Beaver Creek Farm

3rd Place Winner Beaver Creek Farm

This Strawberry gets a Kiss from Daddy!

This Strawberry gets a Kiss from Daddy!

Hatcher Dairy Farm on NBC Today Show with Al Roker!

Did you get to see the Hatcher Family on the NBC Today Show yesterday morning? If you missed Al Roker of the Today Show broadcasting from the Hatcher Family Dairy Farm in College Grove, Tennessee, here are a few links to coverage of the show broadcast from the Hatcher Family Dairy.  What great weather for a special NBC Today Show segment with Al Roker direct from the Hatcher Family Farm!

Charlie Hatcher told me last week how excited they were that Sharon had entered a contest called “Wake Up With Al” 2 weeks ago.  After entering Hatcher Family Dairy online into the “Wake Up With Al” contest Sharon Hatcher received a phone call within a few hours asking them to be available for an interview.  From there, Charlie says it all happened so fast.  Congrats to the Hatcher Family on representing Middle Tennessee and Tennessee Farmers so well!  We are all so proud to have Hatcher Family Dairy as part of the Franklin Farmers Market!

Real Farmers!   Real Food!   Real Good!

Video of The Today Show broadcast

Watch it at Today.com

Charlie Hatcher Shares the Experience

Related Links

If you find any more footage from the Today Show segment “Wake Up With Al”, please email us and we will add it here.

New Summer Market Hours!

We thought it would never get here, but it’s finally made it… Summer at the Franklin Farmers Market!  Okay, it’s really not summer yet by the calendar. But it is by the farmer market’s datebook, so we’re starting off the summer season on Saturday May 4th.  Market hours will go back to the summer  schedule of 8am – 1pm every Saturday.